Month: June 2009

  • Laynie loves her Auntie Meg!

    Laynie loves her Auntie Meg!

    Yesterday Elayna and I went to Auntie Megan’s place in NW Portland. We walked all over the neighborhood (E in my Ergo carrier) and had a good time enjoying some sun. When we got back to Meg’s place Elayna was being super silly and giggly… enjoying her one on one time with her Auntie. It…

  • A Yummy Day

    A Yummy Day

    Today we went to have waffle breakfast at Jason, Gigi & Kaemon Ze’s house. They are nice enough to have delicious breakfasts at their place every month! We had a good time and Elayna played with Kaemon Ze (who is 7 months old) and some other friends of hers (Shannan and Brian, to name a…

  • 6 Month Check Up

    6 Month Check Up

    Yesterday was Elayna’s 6 month check up! The doctor, once again, confirmed that she is perfect. =) Early morning wait in the waiting room with Daddy. She loved the crinkley paper on the exam table! Here are her new stats: Weight: 16 pounds, 3 ounces (56th percentile)Height: 26.5 inches (76th percentile) She is perfectly healthy!…

  • Punk Rock and a Pool Party

    Punk Rock and a Pool Party

    It was pretty warm here in Portland today, so Elayna decided to have a pool party. She really liked it, and splashed around a bunch in the pool. Here she is just chillin with some of her friends. We also found an old mullet wig from Halloween a couple years ago and decided it should,…