Month: September 2009

  • Vintage


    Elayna modeled some vintage dresses for us the other day… and of course looked super cute in them! This first one is a little dress that I wore when I was 6-9 months old. Here she does her Popeye impression This second dress belonged to Jake’s aunt Kathy. Grandma Ruth Elaine gave it to us…

  • Oh, swing. How I love thee.

    Oh, swing. How I love thee.

    She loves it now. I guess it grew on her. =)

  • CRAWLING! =)

    Well, Elayna can officially crawl!!! She is such a big girl! She started becoming really mobile (besides the wiggling around in circles) about a month ago. She went from rolling around, to army crawl/inch worm crawling, about three weeks ago… and now she can really crawl on her hands and knees! Sometimes she still uses…

  • We got to play all day!!

    Today was so fun! Elayna and I got to play all day long with Joaquin, our friends’ little boy. He is such a smart and sweet little guy, and is about 2 months younger than E. It was so much more fun than I could have guessed. I’m excited that we get to make this…

  • New Hair, New Friend

    New Hair, New Friend

    Pig tails!! I thought E probably had enough hair for this, but just hadn’t tried yet. It was SO cute… but she looks like such a big girl!! Eek!! We’ve been noticing that Elayna likes puppets every time we see them at the store. Today we finally brought two home with us. See her reaction…