Month: October 2009

  • Cutest.Video.Ever. – Do you think she might like music?

    Elayna has been really into dancing lately… and its so cute the way she claps and wiggles around to the music. Recently we got her a little saxaphone at a consignment sale and she adores it. Every time we (or she) pushes the button to play a song, she gets so excited!! Its so amazing…

  • Another day at the park… in a new ride!

    Another day at the park… in a new ride!

    We tested out a new stroller yesterday at our new favorite park. The babies looked so cute in it. Several people has assumed that they are twins when I am out with them, and unless they ask, I don’t correct them. They totally look like they could be, don’t they? Blond hair, blue eyes, same…

  • Discovery


    Who knew that leaves were actually the coolest toy on the planet?! On Tuesday I took Elayna and Joaquin to a nearby park and let them discover all of the amazing leaves that were all over the grass. They loved it!! It was so much fun to watch them discovering the shape, feel, etc. of…

  • First trip to the pumpkin patch

    First trip to the pumpkin patch

    Elayna’s first trip to the pumpkin patch was so much fun! We went with our friends Annie, Damien & Joaquin and played and took pictures. The babies liked the hay, dirt, and pumpkins! And they seemed to like each other too. Haha. Not only did we get to go have fun at the pumpkin patch,…

  • Bookworm!!


    I just don’t know where Elayna got this love for books!! 😉 First she pulls the books off of her shelf, one by one… Then she “reads” it… or licks it… or surrounds herself with them all… she is quite the little bookworm already!! She often gets Daddy (or Mommy) to read them to her…