Month: March 2010

  • 16 Months Old!!

    16 Months Old!!

    16 months have gone by since my baby came into my life. All I can say is, Wow. My baby girl is such a big, sweet, fun, amazing, smart, loving, kind, snuggly, silly girl now. On my worst day I am still the luckiest mommy to have ever lived.

  • Well, that was…. interesting.

    Well, that was…. interesting.

    Elayna was so interested in these ride-on toys at Toys R Us that we decided to try one out. She was fascinated by the ride, and the machine, but not really super thrilled. This was the most exited face she made the whole time. Ha!!

  • “Who’s Your Daddy?”

    “Who’s Your Daddy?”

    I’m sure you are surprised that this is Jake’s favorite, of Elayna’s onesies. It was passed down to us by some good friends, who live too far away, and share Jake’s love for all things Star Wars. I will admit. It’s pretty funny. And apparently, our giggly, wiggly, Elayna agrees!!

  • Ahhhhh, Sunshine.

    Ahhhhh, Sunshine.

    What’s the very best thing about a sunshine-y day in the park, surrounded by green, green grass? Sharing it with —–> “Sticks are sooooo fun. You have no idea.” “Here, let me show you…” “Daddy met us there, too!!” E loves it when Daddy throws her in the air. And shows her the stream. And…

  • Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!! Today was a good day. I got to play all day with a couple of babies all dressed in green. I forgot to wear any, so they could have pinched me, but they took mercy on me for now. 😉 Oh, and the cupcakes you see above? They are really in…