Month: August 2010

  • Elayna and her favorite friend 😉

    Elayna and her favorite friend ;)

    So, yes, my daughter can be a little vain at times… Can you blame her? She’s kinda cute! 😉 She loves looking in the mirror!! We don’t really have any down low, so whenever she can see her reflection in one she gets excited. She found herself in this mirror and danced, sang songs, played…

  • Again, you say?

    Again, you say?

    This just goes to show why we love the Children’s Museum… there are still undiscovered areas in there after all these visits! They added a new veterinarian’s office area, where Elayna immediately found the cutest little black puppy to snuggle and fix up, and we found this baby area with cute dollies to love, feed,…

  • Happy Birthday Jaden, and some trampoline fun!

    Happy Birthday Jaden, and some trampoline fun!

    We had lots of fun at Jaden’s 4th birthday party!! Elayna sure loves her cousins. She also enjoyed Jaden’s new trampoline. She ran and giggled and jumped around for about half an hour up there! I think we might need to get one someday. 😉

  • Park!


    We spent a beautiful day playing at the park. We examined leaves and branches up close (since there were some that had been cut but not yet gathered), ran and giggled in the field, counted the swings, the trees, the picnic tables, etc., and had snack. What fun!!

  • We Heart the Children’s Museum!

    We Heart the Children’s Museum!

    We love a fun day at the Children’s Museum as a family! We all enjoy ourselves and play there. 🙂 Elayna loves rocks, and the rubber ones they have in the rock pit are no exception! Don’t mind the shirt… she had already been splashing in water tubs. Ha!Looks like she is about 2ft 9inches…