Month: October 2010

  • Happy Halloween… and Gooooooo State!! 😉

    Happy Halloween… and Gooooooo State!! ;)

    Elayna had SO much fun as a cheerleader in her cute little Iowa State University costume (thanks Gram Jackie and Papa Steve!). She wore it most of the day and evening on Halloween and even cheered “I S U!! Gooooooooo State! Yay!” It was hilarious. As usual, we got some positive feedback from strangers, who…

  • Guess what Elayna’s pumkin looks like?

    Guess what Elayna’s pumkin looks like?

    Since Elayna has the best daddy in the whole world (I know you all agree with this), she got the pumpkin that she would love most this Halloween. Jake took the time to sketch it out and make her a Toodee pumpkin! So adorable. And it looks great! She watched most of the process and…

  • E’s got mail!

    E’s got mail!

    Elayna loves getting mail, and this week she got two Halloween cards! One from Gram and Papa, and one from G.G. (Great Grandma). You’d have thought they were the best cards ever made, for how much she liked them. I read them to her and then said the Happy Halloween part really enthusiastically and it…

  • Elayna uses the library so much that…

    Elayna uses the library so much that…

    … she got her own library card!! We sat together and filled her paperwork out and I helped her sign her name. Then we took it up to the counter and gave it to the man working. He said that in all his 10 years working at the library she was the youngest patron to…

  • Mommy-Daughter Day!

    Mommy-Daughter Day!

    Mommy got the day off and we took the opportunity to go play at the play area in the mall. Elayna loves it there! She can dance on logs, climb over bridges, go through tunnels, and ride frogs and butterflies. 😉 We had a wonderful mommy-daughter day. That time is so precious! Thanks, Annie!