Month: December 2010

  • Untitled post 145

    For Christmas, Annie (J’s mommy) gave us a pack of cupcakes that were all ready to be decorated. What a cute idea, right?! We didn’t have to cook them or anything. Just take them out and make them pretty. Elayna had lots of fun making cupcakes with Daddy! Note: I had some major lighting issues…

  • Just hanging out, eating grapes and reading books 😉

    Just hanging out, eating grapes and reading books ;)

    Elayna would love if all her days went like today. She got to snuggle a lot, read a lot, and eat grapes a lot. Her dream come true! Hahaha! It was just a casual day at the rental house… and so much fun!

  • The photo shoot, Part 1

    The photo shoot, Part 1

    So, I highly doubt that this will be the last time I title a post “photo shoot,” but I couldn’t resist anyway. I love my new camera and have been using it a lot (as you can see). Until this shoot though, I wasn’t really sure about much of any of what I was doing.…

  • ZooLights. Fun and Cold!

    ZooLights. Fun and Cold!

    Elayna really enjoyed the Zoo Lights. It happened to be about 30 degrees and chilly that night, so we were all bundled up and cold, but it was worth it. It was pretty cool to see how they lit the place up. E kept going up to the lights that covered the sides of the…

  • Oh, Uncle Ted.

    Oh, Uncle Ted.

    While he was in town, Uncle Ted stayed at our place and Elayna loved seeing him in the morning and hanging out. After he left (Ted had to get back for work, so he left before the rest of the family), she asked me several times “Where Uncle Ted?” and said “Go find him.” Ha!…