Month: January 2011

  • Bye-Bye Binkies…

    Bye-Bye Binkies…

    Well, it was time. Elayna has been very independent lately and we decided she was ready to be a big girl and say bye-bye to the binkies. We were prepared for today to be awful. I mean, she has been using a binky for sleeping since she was a newborn, and it’s always been part…

  • Pre-Pre-School 😉

    Pre-Pre-School ;)

    Elayna has always loved learning, and I really enjoy watching her learn new things, so we’ve always read a lot, done puzzles, and played with flash cards. Well, recently I decided its time for her to start pre-pre-school. Haha!! I got a workbook and got copies for both of the kids so we can use…

  • I wonder if it’s hard being so darn cute all the time?

    I wonder if it’s hard being so darn cute all the time?

    😉 Elayna just cracks me up lately. More and more each day. She is becoming a little girl, and leaving her baby days behind! It’s hard for me to accept this a lot of the time, so when she says the things she says, it seems so amazing to me. I feel like my baby…

  • Puddles!


    Well, the sitting water that is IN our house isn’t much fun today (we are having a problem with run-off coming up through our back bedroom carpet – hopefully its being fixed as we speak), but the water OUTside can be quite enjoyable. 😉 E and I chanced the sprinkling rain and went to the…

  • College kids already?! 😉

    College kids already?! ;)

    I took the kids down to campus with me the other day to grab a couple books from the library. We only had to walk about two blocks, but the kids thought it was super fun!! Haha! I got a couple of cute shots of them holding hands. SO CUTE when they do that!! I…