Month: October 2011

  • “I play guitar just like Daddy!!”

    “I play guitar just like Daddy!!”

    Elayna loves playing her little guitar. I think its mostly just because she has so much fun dancing and singing to Jake’s guitar playing.  I love how she looks so serious about being a musician in these. She holds it with her fingers on the neck as though she is playing a chord… and she…

  • Trick or Treat!! Our fun at Night Eyes.

    Trick or Treat!! Our fun at Night Eyes.

    We had so much fun at Night Eyes (at the Blank Park Zoo).  Elayna was an adorable Minnie and did her first trick-or-treating ever. She was over the moon about the candy (and ice cream!) she got, and she enjoyed seeing all the other kids dressed up.  Her favorite thing about the event was, hands…

  • Happy Halloween! Love, Minnie.

    Happy Halloween! Love, Minnie.

    Elayna looks so adorable as Minnie Mouse this year! She told me she wanted to be Minnie for Halloween a while ago, so I had been keeping my eyes open for a costume. Well, we really lucked out! I came across this Minnie dress at a consignment store and a friend (thanks, Andrea!) gave us…

  • Fall Craft!

    Fall Craft!

    Elayna and I had fun recently with some other mamas and little ones (thanks to friends Jenn and Neena) doing a fall craft. We all met at a lake nearby on a nice sunny day and let the kids explore and discover some leaves and things (which we held onto for them). After checking out…

  • She …. READS!

    She …. READS!

    I can hardly believe how big my sweet girl is. I know I say that too often, but it still amazes me each day to watch her and realize that she has learned another skill, become a larger, smarter, little girl version of the baby that I once had to do everything for. She has…