Month: January 2010

  • Elayna’s 1st trip to the library!

    Elayna’s 1st trip to the library!

    How in the world I have waited this long to let Elayna explore the library is beyond me. I have always loved libraries… and our local one (although small and not a “city” library) has a perfectly adorable children’s section. Today I finally took E to check it out. Let’s just say, she was in…

  • All Elayna wanted for Christmas was her two front teeth!!

    All Elayna wanted for Christmas was her two front teeth!!

    Instead, she got one partially in and another that lingered. Well, today her second one broke through. She is officially the proud owner of 4 front teeth (2 top, 2 bottom). She is going to look like a bunny rabbit soon! =) Proof:P.S. Isn’t her hair hilarious in this last one?! Wow. Major bedhead, Baby!…