Elayna’s 1st trip to the library!

How in the world I have waited this long to let Elayna explore the library is beyond me. I have always loved libraries… and our local one (although small and not a “city” library) has a perfectly adorable children’s section.

Today I finally took E to check it out. Let’s just say, she was in heaven! She loooooooves the library!

There were other little ones there (a little older than her, probably average age 2) and toys and books and art! OH MY! She ran around for an hour and a half squealing with delight. I wish I had better pictures, but since I forgot my camera, I took some on my phone for the blog. She wouldn’t stay still long enough to capture a clear pic of her smiling, but let me assure you, she was happy! =)

She kept going back to this bookshelf and pointing at the sun. She was in love when I let her see it up close. Haha!

She also liked playing with the train set that they had there.

And of course she did some reading, and we checked out some books.

You can’t really make out the little doll in this picture, but she carried her around for about 20 minutes… setting her in various places, squealing, and then taking her somewhere new. So funny. I named the doll Betsy, and kept asking her where Betsy wanted to go next. She loved this game. =)

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