Month: April 2010

  • Time to SWIM!!

    Elayna and I are taking “swim lessons” at our local city pool. Its really meant to acclimate her to the big pool more than to teach her to swim. She has her usual serious face on half the time, but I can tell she likes it. She’s just deciding how much to like it. Annie […]

  • Mommy & E Day!

    I found out yesterday that I had today off, so it was an impromptu mommy & Elayna day. I was sooooooo excited to spend some quality time with Elayna! This morning when she woke up I brought her into bed with me and we snuggled and giggled like crazy. It was so sweet! We spent […]

  • Humpty-Dumpty (just for you GG Ruth!)

    I actually had no idea at first that this Easter gift from Great Grandma Ruth talked. I jumped when Elayna figured it out. She, of course, was absolutely thrilled. I have heard “Humpty Dumpty” about 57,345 times since then. 😉 Apparently, Humpty can dance, and play pat-a-cake too. He is a multi-talented guy. Here she […]

  • Pat-a-cake leads to silly giggles 😉

    Elayna is quite good at pat-a-cake these days. She began learning it from her gram when she was quite small, and now she can do all the motions with pure joy. She has been doing it for a few months, but this is the first time that a bout of pat-a-cake has ended up in […]

  • Animal Sounds

    Elayna can make lots of animal sounds now, although it has been difficult to catch her doing it on video. Here she is saying a few of the ones she knows: cat, lamb/sheep, dog (she tries to say “arf” and ends up with “fff”), cow, and chicken. She can also say the noises for lion/tiger, […]