Month: April 2010

  • Peek-a-BOOOOOOOO!

    Elayna LOVES our new, louder version of peek-a-boo. Now, we hide in the hallway and she runs in to find us, and we jump up and growl (and sometimes tickle her) and she laughs some crazy giggles that I’ve never heard before and runs away shrieking. Only, of course, to come and do it again […]

  • Elayna says thanks for her Easter basket goodies!!

    After our blueberry and chocolate chip pancake breakfast (made by master chef, Jake), and the egg hunt, we let Elayna check out all of her gifts. Elayna really enjoyed (and continues to enjoy) her Easter things, sent from family far away, and brought over by some family nearby. Although I don’t have pictures of her […]

  • Busy Bunnies!!

    Elayna and Joaquin were some busy (and cute) Easter bunnies today! They ran all over the apartment and collected plastic Easter eggs that were filled with goldfish crackers, puffs, and chocolate chips (just a couple, those were the really fun treats). They did a great job! I wondered if they would find the first couple […]