8 months old!

Wow. Time flies! Elayna is already 8 months old… and yet it seems like just yesterday that she came to be with us.

She is a beautiful, amazing, sweet, funny, cute, silly, happy, perfect little girl. I don’t think we could have imagined that she would light up our world the way that she does.

So, you are probably all wondering what her new tricks are these days. 😉

At 8 months, Elayna:

* Eats solid purees on a regular basis- twice a day. She prefers most fruits, but sweet potatoes and corn are her favorites (must be the Iowa in her!)
* Sits up unassisted and can stay that way for quite a while.
* Plays on her own with her toys for periods of time.
* Says “Dada” and “Mama,” although rarely in contex these days.
* Squeals with delight when she sees herself in the mirror (over and over again if you keep showing her!).
* Can stand up when holding onto something for a period of time.
* Can crawl around in circles, but not forward yet (she can’t figure out how to get both her head and her butt up in the air).
* Loves playing in water.
* Loves peek-a-boo (especially with Daddy).
* Is getting ticklish! Finally!!

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