9 Months Old!! (Updated Stats)

I can barely believe my little Boogie is already 9 months old!!! Crazy.

We took her to the doctor on Monday and were told she now weighs 17lbs 14oz, and is just shy of 28 inches tall. She is right on track with growth, both height and weight, and looks absolutely perfect. Shocker, right?

Elayna is still trying to crawl. She crawls around in circles, can push backwards, and can sort of scoot forwards. Although she wiggles around from sitting to crawling position, and vice versa, she can’t quite get those arms and legs to cooperate still. Soon she will be all over the place I’m sure. =)

She is eating solid foods (read, pureed foods) three times a day, regularly, now. She still hates peas, and we can add a few other random foods to that list. She is kind of a picky eater. Wonder where she got that?!? She has also eaten some yogurt, cheese, mum-mum crackers (made for babies), and little puffs (also specifically for babies). She is not impressed. We will keep trying.

She drinks out of her sippy cup, when she feels like it, snuggles, when she feels like it, and giggles, yep, you guessed it, when she feels like it. We continue to be happy whenever she does these things… because they are so cute.

She loves her stuffed lamb (Lambie), her yellow balloon (Balloon – see post below), her singing puppy (Puppy) and her blankie (HoneyBear). They are her current BFFs.

Elayna and Daddy – on her 9 month birthday

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