Category: Uncategorized

  • Update on Elayna

    Update on Elayna

    Hello all! Hope this email finds you all doing well and enjoying the beginning of spring! I can hardly wait for the sunny days to come, especially since it will mean more outdoor time for us with Elayna! We just wanted to update everyone. Our part of the Sandeen family is doing quite well lately.…

  • 3 mos old…

    3 mos old…

    Besides the cute monthly onesie pictures… we also had some JC Penney’s pictures done of all three of us. Here are some of the favorite shots.

  • Elayna’s Valentine’s Day pics

    Elayna’s Valentine’s Day pics

    The first of these was made into a card and mailed out to some of our friends and family for Valentine’s Day. The second was just for daddy. =)

  • Short update on Elayna and her parents

    Hi everyone! We hope this email finds you all doing well. We have all been busy getting the hang of this new family thing, and I am happy to report that it is working out quite well so far. 😉 There were some rough days, but the amazing days far outnumber them, so I feel…

  • Announcing the arrival of Elayna Grace Sandeen

    Hello to all of you! Jake and I are very proud to announce the arrival of our beautiful baby girl, Elayna Grace Sandeen. =D She was born on Saturday, November 29th, 2008 at 1:49pm (just one day after my estimated due date). She weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 20 1/4 inches long at birth. She…