Category: Uncategorized

  • Update: Elayne Sandeen is now a “full-term” baby‏

    Update: Elayne Sandeen is now a “full-term” baby‏

    Hello everyone! We hope that this email finds all of you and your families doing well! I just thought I would update you all again on our progress. It seems that I have been getting quite a few requests for more updated maternity pics, so here you go. These pictures were all taken yesterday and…

  • Update… Almost 30 Weeks

    Update… Almost 30 Weeks

    Hello everyone! Jake and I just wanted to update you all on our progress with baby Elayna Grace Sandeen. =) I am about 30 weeks pregnant now and getting quite round. Elayna’s kicks and movements get stronger and stronger (if you just watch my belly now you can see her bumping around in there) and…

  • Baby Update

    Baby Update

    Hi everyone. I hope this email finds you all well! I just thought I would share a quick update on our progress with baby Elayna Grace, since we don’t get to see some of you as often as we would like. Everything is going really well so far. Elayna kicks me quite a bit and…