Update… Almost 30 Weeks

Hello everyone!

Jake and I just wanted to update you all on our progress with baby Elayna Grace Sandeen. =)

I am about 30 weeks pregnant now and getting quite round. Elayna’s kicks and movements get stronger and stronger (if you just watch my belly now you can see her bumping around in there) and she seems perfectly healthy. I am doing alright, although I did find out that I have anemia (which is quite common during pregnancy- something like 20% of women get it). This does explain why I seem SO tired and forgetful, although those are regular symptoms of pregnancy too, I guess they are even worse with anemia. I am taking some extra iron to help with this, so it shouldn’t be a problem down the road. I can’t complain too much about how I’m feeling at this point. I worry about how uncomfortable I will be in a few weeks, but for now it seems alright.

Jake and I are getting excited to meet our little girl. We can’t believe we are 3/4 of the way done with pregnancy already, but we are so ready for the challenge of being parents.

We have spent some more time decorating the nursery a bit recently. We weren’t going to buy a bedding set, but I found a super cute one that I had my eye on months ago and it was marked down super duper low, so we splurged and got it and the matching little lamb mobile. It seems to really be helping with my extreme nesting urge, and Jake actually really likes it too.

I am including some updated pictures of the nursery and one picture of me from last week (not the best shot, but you can see my belly in it pretty well).

The quilt that is pictured was made by grandma Ruth Elaine Sandeen (Elayna’s great-grandma) and we wanted to show it off so we hung it on our pretty letters with fabric that my sister Patti sewed for tabs.
The pictures of the crib show our new bedding set and Elayna’s little animal friends who are awaiting her arrival. =)

The next project will be my attempt at decoupaging the large letters that we bought to hang over Elayna’s crib, which spell out her name. I am putting pretty floral pinkish scrapbook paper on them. Wish me luck!!

We hope all is well with you and your families. We wish we could all be closer together, but for now we will have to rely on the miracle that is the internet to keep in close touch. We love you all!

Jake, Lucy (& Elayna)

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