Elayna Grace’s 1st Birthday – Part 1

Elayna had quite the first birthday!!

Many of her family and friends were able to come and celebrate with her… and we all had a great time.

The guest list included: Mom & Dad; Aunt Meg; Aunt Patti, Uncle Wade, Cousin Jaden and new Cousin Colton; Nana Syndee, Aunt Larissa, and Uncle Jacob; The Baker Family (Tyler, Heidi, Necia, Aurora, Sawyer, and Sonja); “Auntie” Shafina; “Auntie” Page; The Flores Family (Annie, Damien, and little Joaquin – her BFF); and “Uncle” Lee.
Thank you to everyone who came and made this day extra special for our little girl! She loves you all!!

For those of you who couldn’t attend, following is an extended look at what went on at this swanky event. 😉

** One year update – At one year, Elayna can…
* take steps! (she took 3 big girl steps from the couch to mommy on Frirday)
* walk really well while holding onto things to steady herself. she can pretty much walk the perimeter of the apartment if she wants to.
* give kisses
* blow kisses
*say- mom, mama, dad, dada, hat, that and (sometimes) hi, done, up, gumpa, bear.
* crawl like CRAZY – she’s fast.
* eat table foods (although not in any great quantity yet… she eats like a bird)
* feed herself (when she feels like it, thank you very much)
* take things in and out of other things
* play drums, keyboard, and saxaphone (toys. haha!)
* dance like crazy!
* snuggle
* be the cutest thing ever.

Yes, Uncle Lee really got her a giant stuffed, pink pony. HA!!
Hi Auntie Meg!
E and her BFF Joaquin
E playing with Tyler’s daughter Necia
Happiness with daddy

Blowing kisses!
Giving her new bear kisses

Fun with Nana Syndee!

Aunt Patti and sweet, new cousin Colton
Elayna with the Bradley family. Aunt Patti, Cousin Colton, Cousin Jaden and Uncle Wade.
Aunt Meg is fun!
Nana Syndee and Cousin Jaden
Jaden and Jake
Elayna with Nana Syndee, Uncle Jacob and Aunt Larissa

P.S. Part 2 – involving cake – will come soon. 😉

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