Oh boy…. Everyone is in for it now!

For my birthday/Christmas gift, Jake got me a new camera.

I danced around and giggled like a 5 year old when the FedEx guy came.


I know close to nothing about photography, but my start-up kit is going to give me plenty of room to grow as I learn. Being a student, I started studying as I was deciding what to order. So, I can throw around fancy photography words like bokeh and aperture and prime lens and actually know what I’m talking about… and I think I understand some of the basics of what the camera can do, but to put it all together is really difficult. I have always wanted to learn how to take better pictures, and have always wanted to get more than a point-and-shoot so, with some dedication, I am hoping I can get the hang of it. I already love it way more than my old camera, even when it’s hard to get the shot perfect. After 2 days with it my only regret is to not have had more time to read before it came in the mail. Oh, and I wish I knew how to really use my editing programs… they are as complicated as the camera (almost).

Be ready to see lots and lots of new pictures (as if this is anything new, right?) 😉 To start you off, here are a bunch I took within a few hours of the camera’s arrival. Holiday themed of course.

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