Month: December 2010

  • Pushing my luck.

    Pushing my luck.

    I wanted to help Joaquin make a special present for his mommy and daddy, since they love him so, so much and take such very good care of him. He told me that he appreciates it and wanted to show them he loved them a lot too. 😉 So, we went to Michael’s and bought…

  • C is for Cookie (Day)!

    C is for Cookie (Day)!

    One of our favorite things this time of year is going to our friends Bay and Ron’s house (Sadie’s parents) for Cookie Day. Oh, what a yummy sounding day, right?!? Well, it’s even yummier than you think!! 😉 Cookie Day is definitely filled with cookie making (making, decorating, baking) and eating, but it’s also a…

  • She likes Santa….

    She likes Santa….

    …. but that doesn’t mean she wants to sit on his lap! Hahaha!! We went to a local shopping center to say look for new books for Elayna (she loves using her birthday book money – a gift card – to pick out a book once every week or so) and decided to stop by…

  • Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree!

    Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree!

    We put up our tree and Elayna is loving it! Her favorite ornaments are the bells. The one she is holding in these pictures is the one she calls “jingle bells” – and sometimes she sings the song Jingle Bells and rings them. E and I also had a good time laying under the tree…

  • Another fun day spent at KZ’s house 😉

    Another fun day spent at KZ’s house ;)

    As always, we had a fun-tastic time at KZ’s house. He is such a good host. 😉 He and Elayna always get along so well, and his parents, Gigi and Jason have become positive influences in our lives in the past year and a half. What a fun ritual Sunday Waffles has become! Here are…