Month: February 2012

  • More snow… and some sledding this time!

    More snow… and some sledding this time!

    We had a bit of snow a couple weeks ago and decided to take our sled out to Walnut Woods Park (a beautiful park with big trees) and just play in the snow there. We spent some time walking around and letting E ride in her sled behind us (she especially likes it when Jake…

  • My Little Gymnast

    My Little Gymnast

    One of the things I remember loving when I very little was gymnastics.  I think I was about 4 years old when I took gymnastics, and was interested to see if Elayna would like it. We basically had a list of things to try out, hoping that she would love something and we could commit…

  • Elayna’s Valentines

    Elayna’s Valentines

    Happy Valentine’s Day to my amazing husband and daughter, and to all of you!  Elayna and I had so much fun doing this session. I used my seamless paper and new light and it was my favorite shoot to date! 🙂  As you will see, lots of dancing and singing and cuteness and silliness was…

  • Sunny Park Day

    Sunny Park Day

    Shea and I couldn’t resist the opportunity to get the kids to the park to play together while the sunny weather was visiting. They really had a blast. I think E and O truly enjoy each others’ company. The best part was definitely down the moment when they held hands and walked together into the…

  • The zoo? In the middle of winter?!

    The zoo? In the middle of winter?!

    Yep. It was 60 degrees the other day (January 29th) and so Elayna and I skipped out on naptime and hit the zoo instead! 🙂 It was rather funny, because there weren’t many people there despite the warm, sunny day. I realized why after a while. The animals are generally not outside this time of…